Rates & Policies

District Policy

  • District operating policies, rates, fees and regulations are adopted by the Board of Directors who are elected by the registered voters of the District’s Bounded Service Area.
  • The staff does not make policy, nor do they make decisions as to who will and will not be held to these policies, rates, fees or regulations.
  • The staff and employees of the District will make every attempt to satisfy your concerns or questions.
  • If you have a complaint or concern that cannot be handled by the Superintendent, Mr. Bruce Alexander, please address your complaints or concerns in writing, to the Board of Directors. 
  • The Board of Directors will respond to your written inquiry at the next available meeting. 

Please call the office for details of the Policy.  The complete Policy may be purchased for a $10.00 fee or viewed on the web page.                                                                                                                                                                         


  • Residential Accounts       $200
  • Agricultural Accounts       $200
  • Commercial Accounts      $200 plus a 2 month estimated bill for service
  • Master Meter Accounts    $200 plus a 2 month estimated bill for service   

Deposit Fees are due before service is provided. The Deposit Fee on file for existing accounts shall be increased to the current Deposit Fee for the type of account service is provided to when the service is transferred to a new owner based on the Transfer of Service Policy.                                                                     


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